Tuesday 12 July 2022

Flow With Life

Life is life!

Because you expect too much. Most expectations you hold are not part of reality, you only assumed them to be real. Reality is not built upon your fantasies, The reason this question is raised in your mind is that you’re probably living a life filled with ideologies. Filling your life with ideologies is what everyone does. These ideologies you have been told are not necessarily truthful. You’ve been brainwashed, this explained why your brain creates expectations naturally.

To see what the reality is, you need to strip yourself of those ideologies. Then the nature of reality will reveal itself to you.

If you don’t want to strip yourself, you could learn to embrace it. The mystery is what makes life exciting. Let us assume we have two boxes kept side by side. 

One is open and the other is closed. The open one is full of treasure and no one knows what is in the closed one. Believe me, most people will have the curiosity to know what is inside and it invites more attraction than the box of treasure. In the same way, we look forward because we have no idea about tomorrow. There is no fun in solving a puzzle after knowing the solution beforehand. It is curiosity that makes it worth loving.

                                "Flow with it, this moment is beautiful"

Each person is an enigma. You're a puzzle not only to yourself but also to everyone else, and the great mystery of our time is how we penetrate this puzzle.—Theodore Zeldin

A mystery is defined as something that is a secret, something where there is no clear explanation, something difficult to understand or explain, or something unexplainable or unsolvable. Here fits LIFE correctly.

A myriad of things is made to happen. Impossible events are brought into reality. The unexpected phenomenon takes place at any given time. Faulty notions are made to be right. Simple scenarios are made to be complicated. Easy problems find complex remedies. Misunderstanding locks people in dispute. A rational and radical man argues with a simple-minded fellow. Conversations may lead to deception. A minor conflict can end up in war. Simple promises are compromised. Simple words lead to misconception. Yet, some of us are very apathetic towards what’s happening around us. No matter what it takes, no matter how impossible it looks, no matter how narrow the road is, as long as they want it, they’ll do it.

The world has become very complex and tormenting. How can we dwell in this stead freely? How can we enjoy life with such teasing, messy minds of mankind? How can we enjoy the things that we labored for? How can we deal with things with so many onlookers minding our work? How can we fulfill our promises if we always have them compromised? If we will do well, people criticize us. If we do bad, people will despise us. What are we going to do then?

Is this really what we want? To live in a hostile world? A world where duplicity and hypocrisy lie? A world where adversities are ample? This world is definitely not ours. We’re just tenants here. It is supposed to be a world of peace but it turns out to be a world of lies and evils. Why? Because we are making it so. We are all accountable for all corruption, exploitation, terrorism, discrimination, and other misfortunes.

Everything starts within us and must end within us too. Yes, it may sound blaming, but life is a mystery. Life is like that.

Hope, faith, and beliefs can exist only if life is mysterious and unexpected.


-Love <3



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