Monday 27 September 2021


It's a rainy day today also, I am traveling back from Hyderabad post a memorable trip with my best friend, we have been planning this forever and made it happen now and it's the most content feeling to spend life with your best friends, I had a trial of it. This blog has been in my mind ever since we started traveling, so it's my story, sorry it's our story. The story of 3 broken, weird, proud and headstrong women.

So how does it feel like to be understood without even explaining properly? How does it feel like to get attention without even putting in any effort? How does it feel like to be blunt and frank without the thought of what will anybody think? How does it feel to be foolish, stupid and illogical, and mostly dumb still make you feel safe and sane? Don't you like to be with such people who can care for you without any expectations, who would love you without any milestones, and who will fight for you? who will hold you tight no matter what? 

Lemme take you through 2 most important such people in my life, It was a rainy day during the monsoon of  2009 and it was the messiest day of that time, I had a friend named prasida during that time, so its that time when you feel that the non-local friends are cooler than the natives. So I am a Malayali and from the state capital Thiruvananthapuram. I am a sports enthusiast and was never inclined to table tennis but that's the twist, Prasida was good in TT and she introduced me to Reshma. That's the start of an everlasting sisterhood and I have no clue where Prasida is but Reshma, she is there anywhere I go. We had a huge long distance in our relationship she was in Bangalore for her UG and then she flew to London for her PG by the time I came for my PG in Bangalore. Now that we both are in the neighboring states we are making sure we won't miss out on any opportunities.

Let me take a pause from her now, so here is remembering the worst 2 years of my life which started with 4am tuition classes and ended with 8pm tuition classes during 2012 -14, It was the first day of Higher secondary education and like every other Indian family my parents dropped me with a lot of expectations and all I wanted

was a good friend so that I can cry with her because I never knew what I really wanted to do. Well like a surprise Athira came into my life, I still remember for a 6-foot tall girl like me getting a tall girlfriend was like a blessing and there I saw a thin tall girl swirling like a tourist in her new school. My school was pretty famous hence all toppers join us for 11th and 12th. I was flipped seeing her, we connected pretty well and long-distance seems to be my thing because she went to repeat and joined Medical school. Though we were in the same city we never really met often but... I had her always because while I started working she was a senior and was having a good time together.

Well since the introduction is done right let me tell you why these people and the decade-long friendship/Sisterhood are so important to me. I am a simple person, so bloody simple that most people feel I am complicated (haha), Like any other girl for me, also constant communication and nonjudgemental zones to vibe were very important. I can't even imagine how I would have lived without these 2 souls in my life. From movies to television shows to that girl from your high school who constantly said, “I’m only friends with guys because girls are just too much drama,” there’s a common misconception that female friendships are catty, mean, and petty. Often, women are paralyzed with the internalized idea that female friendships are filled with heartbreak, which leads them away from fulfilling female friendships with women who could bring a lot to their lives.

However, female friendships can do so much. They offer a real sense of support and comradery, especially when you allow yourself to truly trust your friends and lean on one another. In this modern age, people need their friends more than ever — especially women.

Whether you have a few besties or a whole goddess crew, your female friendships enhance your life in so many ways you might not even understand. No matter how strong you may be, everybody needs some sisters to lean on.

1. Uplifting One Another

Female friends are sure to have your back — they’re your wing women, your cheerleaders, and your hype men. Whether you need a pick-me-up on a bad day or you’re feeling wonderful, your girls will be there to celebrate with and uplift you. While male friends can do this, too, there is a sense of understanding within female friendships that can make the exchange extra special.

When you uplift your girlfriends, they uplift you. It becomes a radical cycle of positivity and happiness.

2. A Safe Space

Contrary to popular belief, sensitivity is not a bad thing. In fact, sensitivity is a strength, especially when it comes to being there for your friends. One of the great things about having close female friends is that they can be a judgment-free zone where you can come with problems and struggles. Your friends will hear you, give advice, or sometimes offer a shoulder to cry on.

Female friends are more likely to explore their feelings and dive deeper into your troubles and struggle with you — or perhaps they’ll pop open a bottle of wine and let you cry it out.

3. One Person Can’t Do It All

One of the reasons people — especially women — disappear from friendships and cast them aside is prioritizing romantic relationships. In a lot of ways, this is totally normal. If you have a significant other, you probably want to spend as much time with them as possible. They’re a big part of your life, so this makes sense.

Still, one person can’t meet all of your needs. Putting that pressure on somebody may be too much for your partner, and it won’t satisfy you completely, either. Female friendships are a part of the collective that helps to fill your life with joy and support. Just like your romantic partner or family wants to love and support you, your friends will, too.

4. Harnessing Your Feminine Energy

If you’re into energies and engaging with your spirituality throughout your life, tapping into your feminine energy might be of interest to you. Exploring this side of yourself can help you feel more comfortable and connected in your identity as a woman, especially in a society where masculine traits are valued so highly.

Part of harnessing your feminine energy is being open and ready to receive, which you can do by surrounding yourself with powerful women you admire. When you surround yourself with women who have strong, beautiful feminine energy all around them, you’ll start to see it in yourself, too. 

5. Having a Little Fun

Although the other stuff is wildly important, there’s something to be said for letting loose and having a little fun with your girls. Sure, friendships offer support when times are tough and encouragement through uncertainty, but on a basic level, friendship is also about finding people who you like spending time. You enjoy being in their presence, and you like doing things together.

Spending time with the people you love is part of what makes life beautiful, so get on board! Kick back with your girlfriends. Life is short you should all have a bit of fun.

Besties Forever

Female friendships are important and beneficial for every woman. They have the potential to bring so much positive change and happiness to your life. Whether you have one or two besties or a whole group of friends, you deserve positive, fulfilling exchanges with like-minded women, and you have the power to find them.

Also, there are so many amazing women in my life that make me feel content and the time I have had with them is never enough. starting from my mom, sister to a handful of quality bonds, all of you ladies are my rock!


 - Love Lekshmi





  1. Perfectly said!!!! And Thank
    You for being an integral
    part of my Goddess crew, u girl 😘😘😘



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